9.11.23 Notice of Public Hearing Insufficiency of Materials
In person at McCloud High School, 133 Campus Way, McCloud, CA or via video conference at Happy Camp High School: 234 Indian Creek Road, Happy Camp, CA. This will be broadcast for public viewing via zoom at: https://sisuhsd.zoom.us/j/91635080727
4:30 pm Closed Session - 5:30 pm Open Session with Public Hearing
The Governing Board of the Siskiyou Union High School District, in order to comply with the requirements of Education Code Section 60119, will hold a public hearing on September 11, 2024, at5:30 p.m. which is on or before the eighth week of school (between the first day that students attend school and the eighth week from that day) and which will not take place during or immediately following school hours. The Governing Board is providing at least ten days notice of the public hearing posted in at least three public places within the district that state the time, place, and purpose of the hearing. The Governing Board encourages participation by parents, teachers, members of the community, and bargaining unit leaders in the public hearing.

Hello SISUHSD families,
The link below is to our 2024/25 School Calendar.
We hope you've had a great summer!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Tuesday

The Siskiyou Union High School District (SUHSD) is located in Siskiyou County. Siskiyou County is centrally located in inland Northern California, adjacent to the Oregon border. Greater than 60% of the land within the county is currently managed by agencies of the Federal and State Governments. As the 5th largest county in the state by area, and the largest county in Northern California, Siskiyou County features spectacular natural beauty and scenic cities and towns including the towns of Happy Camp, McCloud, Mount Shasta, and Weed that Siskiyou Union High School District serves.

Hope you are enjoying your days off! Nov. 20-24.